Get a Singapore investor visa via EDB’s Global Investor Programme, or GIP scheme. Wealthy foreign migrants who want to apply for Singapore PR via an investor visa should read the following information on the GIP Singapore scheme.
Starting 15 March 2023, the following latest new criteria will apply. The goal of the latest changes is to encourage GIP investors to allocate more of their funds directly into Singapore’s local financial system and also to ideally create more local jobs for Singaporean citizens.
Overview of the Global Investor Programme or GIP Singapore by EDB
The Global Investor Programme scheme, or GIP scheme was introduced by the Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) in conjunction with the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) for migrants interested to be investing in eligible businesses or an approved GIP fund as a way to an eventual approved Singapore permanent residence. This is also sometimes called the Singapore investor visa or investment visa.
Because of the attractiveness of political stability and economic strength in Singapore, Singapore has been a popular immigration spot for business owners and investors around the world.
Over the years, the requirements for the Global Investor Programme scheme changed, and the following is the most updated assessment criteria required for the GIP Singapore investor visa.
Why did EDB start this Global Investor Program scheme or GIP?
EDB started the GIP program in Singapore because it wanted to encourage top foreign talents – successful entrepreneurs and investors, to take up permanent residence in the country, while contributing to Singapore’s financial growth. Hence, GIP is also otherwise known as Singapore investment visa or investor visa.
What is the definition of investible assets when it comes to applying for GIP Singapore to get the investor visa?
For investible assets in Singapore, they can be made up of stuff like bank deposits, collective investment schemes, premiums paid for life insurance policies and such investment products, capital market products, share certificates, but not real estate.
To get your Singapore investment visa approved under EDB’s Global Investor Program, you need to be in one of the following industries
You will also need to be in one of the following business sectors and industries activities to qualify and be approved for GIP and get investor visa in Singapore successfully:
- aerospace engineering
- alternative energy
- media and entertainment
- medical technology
- nanotechnology
- natural resources
- automotive
- chemicals
- consumer business for example flavors, fragrances, home and personal care, nutrition, and such
- education
- electronics
- energy
- engineering services
- healthcare
- logistics and supply chain management
- marine and offshore engineering
- security
- space
- pharmaceuticals biotechnology
- performing arts
- sports businesses
- biotechnology
- precision engineering
- professional services
- lifestyle products (including: (a) Visual Arts businesses for example – auction houses, museums, art galleries, art storage facilities, art logistics and (b) Performing Arts (c) Sports for example – sports academies, HQ of sports companies)
Singapore GIP fund options to get an investor visa
There are three GIP fund investment options in Singapore within the EDB Global Investor Programme scheme you can select from. The eligibility criteria and conditions to meet are different for each of the three options within the GIP scheme.
GIP Option A – Invest S$10 million in a new business entity or expansion of an existing business in Singapore
This is the first option that an investor will be able to choose from under the Global Investor Programme (GIP).
Who qualifies for GIP Option A as a means to get Singapore investment visa?
Successful business owners, next generation family members of an existing business operation and entrepreneurs of fast growth companies with track record can quality for Option A of the GIP scheme.
Additional steps for option A:
- To submit a detailed 5 years business or investment plan with projected employment in Singapore based companies, expenditure and financial projections turnover for the company. This will be assessed based on its feasibility, your role, the activities and creation of local jobs in Singapore.
- Hire at least 30 employees, at least half of which needs to be Singaporean citizens and 10 of which must be new hires.
- Investors to have at least 30% shareholding in the company and be part of the management team.
- Company must be engaged in one of the industries listed in Annex B.
GIP Option B – Invest at least SGD $25 million in a fund that invests in Singapore based companies
This is the second option available for Singapore’s Global Investor Program.
Who qualifies for GIP Option B to get investment visa Singapore?
Established founder of a company, next generation shareholders and entrepreneurial founders of fast growth companies with business track record may apply for Global Investor Programme Option B. Likewise, there are also additional steps GIP fund investors will be required to take under option B.
GIP Option C – Establish a Single Family Office with Assets-Under-Management (AUM) of at least S$200 million
This is the third option available for investors using the Singapore GIP scheme.
Who qualifies for GIP Option C as a means to get a Singapore investor visa?
Successful C suite business owners, next generation entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial founders of fast growing companies and family office principals may qualify and apply for option C under the Global Investor Program.
Additional steps for option C:
Investors to submit a detailed 5 years business plan with projected employment and annual financial projections along with their Singapore investment VISA application. The investment plan will be assessed based on your position in it, the functions of it, proposed investment sectors, business proposal, asset types and geographical focus.
Within the AUM, at least S$50 million needs to be maintained in any of the following categories:
- Listed funds on MAS’ Financial Institutions Directory which are distributed by Singapore-licensed managers
- Listed qualifying debt securities on MAS’ Qualifying Debt Securities Enquiry System like bonds, notes, commercial papers, and certificates of deposit
- Listed public companies on exchanges licensed by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) such as SGX Mainboard and Catalist
- In the form of private equity investments into private Singapore-based businesses